In His Eyes, You Are Beautiful…

he has made everything beautiful in its timeThen Jesus turned to the woman, and said to Simon;

“Do you see this woman?

I came into your house.  You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.  You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet.  You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet.

Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been  forgiven – for she loved much, but he who has been forgiven little loves little..”


Oh, Dear Lord, how I see myself in this beautiful woman… As I come before You this fresh new day, how I thank You.

I love Your love for this sweet woman.  I thank You that I can come before You in my weaknesses, and know that I am safe in Your arms..

Oh, Lord, fill me with who You are… Your tenderness.  Your mercy.  Your kindness…

May my life be an offering filled with Your hope to those who are lost and hurting..

I pray this In the Name of Jesus…

Your precious Son..


Live in Love

“Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Luke 7:45