When you don’t have the strength…

rest hereWhen the volume in your mind keeps getting louder…

When Thoughts of fear start to invade.

How I pray these words of comfort and love would invade our hearts instead…

“He will shield you with His wings.  He will shelter you with His feathers.  His faithful promises are your armor and protection…”

Psalm 91:4

Oh, Lord, how I pray that today, as we go through our day, we would be reminded of Your constant love and comfort drawing us into your presence, and the safety of Your arms. No matter what doubts or fears we face, how I pray we would have the presence of mind to surrender them to You.  Knowing.  And believing; You will strengthen me.  Guide me.  And protect our paths..

.For we put our trust in You.

Thank you, Dear Lord,  that Your presence is my refuge and safety.

“This I declare of the Lord:  He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I am trusting him…”

Psalm 91:2

Oh, Dear Lord, please remove the obstacles in our paths that are causing confusion, and harm in my life.  I do not have the strength to do it on my own…

I surrender all to You.

May Your great and mighty will be done..

I love You Jesus…

In Your name I pray.


Live in Love,


“The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed..”

Psalm 103:6

May your life be a shinning star for all to see…

I love you..




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