He Quiets The Storm…

“Lord help” they cried in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress.  He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves.  What a blessing was the stillness, as He brought them safely into harbor…”

he quiets the stormPsalm 107:28-30

As I read these words this morning, a quietness invades my soul…

His quiet whisper, and a gentle touch, penetrating my heart, and reminding me that He is bringing me safely into harbor…

I can sense the slow long towing… and my heart is still in His presence…

With all the turmoil life can throw at us, either by our own decisions, or those of which we have no say; so many questions of why and how…

The storms can seem so big…

Dear Heavenly Father, Good Morning… How amazing it is to know that in the midst of life’s storms, You are the one calming the roars to a quiet whisper.

You are the one stilling the waves and guiding me safely into harbor… what a beautiful picture that is.

How I thank You God for the seasons in my life. Thank You that You teach us perseverance through the tough times, that our hearts can rely on You, and with that same hope, we can help others…

Thank You that during the times of quiet and ease, we feel Your closeness and blessings of goodness, which reminds us that we can hold on tightly to You during the storms…

Being guided into the Harbor gives my heart great rest.  Knowing You have never left me.  Believing You are who You say You are, I praise Your Holy Name…

“The Lord, Your God is with you, He is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing…”

Zephaniah 3:17

I love You,

In Jesus Name,


Live in Love,


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