Stirred. Not Shaken… #trust

stirred not shaken blog“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. 

In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight…”

Proverbs 3:5


It can make you feel so vulnerable, can’t it?

People have broken our trust…

We have broken trust…

That hurts :/

The only true and pure place to put our trust is in God’s love for us…

In my struggle for trust, I am learning that God is trustworthy.

He is my peace.

My safe place.

When I feel overwhelmed in making decisions, or consumed by worry, He is there to provide a gentle whisper of hope, and for that I am so grateful…

The freedom I get from wholeheartedly putting my trust in God alone is priceless..


But priceless…

Not relying on someone, something, or even my own self is hard…

But it is the freedom to live.

I am learning  that putting my trust in people, or things; can be selfish, and even harmful..

Putting unrealistic expectations on others to make us happy, or putting pressure  on ourselves to make things happen, can take our  focus off of God’s love and plan for our lives…

We start over thinking or manipulating… uggg!

That’s a mess!!

“For the word of the Lord holds true,

and everything He does is worthy of our trust.

He loves whatever is just and good, and His unfailing love fills the earth…”

Psalm 33:4

Oh, Dear Lord,

Good Morning,

Keeping my eyes on You.

Knowing, and believing that Your word holds true, and everything You do is worthy of my trust relieves my heart so much.

I come before You, thanking You for such goodness and unfailing love…

While I can’t control the situations around my life, I can find my peace in Your great love.

And that is enough…

I give You my heart, please fill me with peace as I trust that You are making my path straight.

I love You,

In Jesus Name,


Live in Love,


“But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken..”

Psalm 33:11

Awesome, right!!!

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