Shake It Off.. Shake it Off… #thebestmeicanbe

gotta keep moving…” but I got this music playing in my mind, saying everything’s going to be alright…”

I love this song by Taylor Swift… Happy, energetic and so fun.

We were meant to have an abundant life…

Full of God’s hope.. Mercy and grace!

So, when those old; and too familiar feelings of sadness, or despair want to grip your heart, and challenge Your mind..

You gotta shake it off… Shake it off.

Old habits die hard, and this one must die…

No more backward thinking…

No more backward living…

Today, I pray we would recognize that pull and fight.

“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance… “

John 10:10

Keep moving forward.  Don’t stop.  Wont stop..

I will be the best me I can be…

In Jesus Name, I pray,


Live in Love,
