Overthinking… Not A Fan…! #thebestmeicanbe

peace.“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid…”

John 14:27

This verse has been on my heart for a couple of days…

I have a tendency to feel anxious…

(No surprise to you by now :) LOL

It is always subtle..

A negative, or  backward thought here and there…

Thinking too long on what somebody said, or did…

Overthinking… Is sooooo not my friend!


Living forward..

Living in the aroma of God’s peace…

Being the best me I can be…  means I have to let those backward, and sometimes comfortable,  thoughts go right away…

You cannot live in the moments of today thinking about the moments of yesterday…It’s just not possible.

Again… I know this :)

Letting God’s peace dwell richly and deeply within every morsel of my soul stops the anxiousness that wants to invade…

I am super learning that!

Father I drink In Your peace… Slowly.


Your peace is my strength…

I will not let my heart be troubled…

I will not be anxious…

I will keep moving forward…

No dwelling or camping out on negative stuff here!

Your peace is within me..

I will keep pushing  my thoughts forward…

I will live in today…

I will be the best me I can be :)

Thank You, Heavenly Father…

In Jesus Name,

I pray,


Easy Peasy :)

Live in Love,


You. Are. Worth. It. #thebestmeicanbe

you are so worth it“Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…”

Jeremiah 1:9

Every day.  Every minute.  God whispers these words to Your heart…

Can You hear Him?

You are so worth it…

Your name here __________:)

His love strengths my heart…

He knows my name…

He set YOU apart…

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for such a mighty promise…

You chose me to be born…

You are using my life every day to make a difference…

I chose to believe in You…

In Your words of hope and inspiration…

I chose to live out loud…

Love out loud…

I chose to let You have all of me…

In Jesus Name,


Live in Love,
