You Are Colossal… #soverythankful

I am colossalYes. You.

 You are pretty great!

Life is so super messy…

Conflict is inevitable.

Forgive others quickly.

 Speak gently… walk humbly.

Don’t over think things… give your mind a chance to rest.

Live in the light of His all-encompassing Holy love…

Today is the perfect day to be happy :)

Father, forgive the times I dwell on the negative…

Please shine bright Your light of goodness in my heart, and give me the grace I need to be gentle with myself…

How I pray I would be a light of hope to my family… and those You draw into my life.

Keeping my eyes on You… Keeping my soul wrapped in Your warmth..

I enter Your gates with hope and thanksgiving…

I love You Dear Jesus,

In Your Name I pray,


Live in Love,


“Enter His gates with thanksgiving go into His courts with praise.

Give thanks to Him and bless His name.

For the Lord is good and unfailing love continues forever…”

Psalm 100 4-5