What Do You See…? #hope

some see a weedHow I love the magic of seeing a sweet little dandelion…I am always irresistably drawn to them… they are happy and sooo fluffy… in that moment, life’s  pace just seems to slow down… if even for a minute…

Do you see a wish or a weed?

How thankful I am for God’s sweet treasures throughout my day…

How I pray we will keep our eyes open and our hearts softened…always ready to be surprised by a sudden sweetness that stops the pace of life…

If even for a moment…

Live in Love,


“Consider how the wild flowers grow.  They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these…”

Luke 12:27

God sees beauty in the wild flowers…

That is awesome!

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