Hope Matters…

hope will never be silent

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted.

He rescues those whose spirits

are crushed”

Psalm 34:18

As I woke up this morning , I started thinking about my day, all the things I want, and need to do…

Getting my house cleaned up, decorated, and filled with the sounds and smells of Thanksgiving,  just all seemed so very self centered, and unimportant…

My heart, and thoughts, keep going back to the sadness of what has happened in Paris, and what is happening all around our world…

It so overwhelming to think of so much pain…

But even as I write this I sense the Holy Spirit touching my heart…

Reminding me of His goodness and love…

 Reminding me that every person who walks through my home’s door,  so matters to Him…

That loving and surrounding our guests with the hope of Him, and filling their tummies and hearts with food, love, and promise is a gift to be truly thankful for…

Oh Lord,

Your promise of being close to the brokenhearted, and rescuing those who are crushed fills me with comfort and reminds me that You are in control…

That Your love, hope, and care never changes, and that our lives matter to You more than my  heart, and words seem to be able to embrace…

Oh Lord,

As I pray over all the sadness and pain of the families in Paris, all of our brothers and sisters seeking refuge from terror, I am so grateful for Your power that reaches through the Heavens and cares for each one of us…

Thank You that through the chaos, Your light still shines bright…

Your love still serge’s on…

Our lives are not in vain, but instead a representation of all the love, hope, grace and strength that You are…

So I will get ready for Thanksgiving with a grateful heart full of anticipation of love, hope, and the joy of Your glory…

Thank You for pouring Your love through the pages of Your word..

Thank You for Your deep sense of caring…

Thank You for Thanksgiving, family, friends, and our homes that surround us with warmth; and fill us with comfort…

May we help each other to love You more, so we can love others through the truths that You so touch our souls with, and fill our thoughts of…

“Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, who created all Heaven’s lights.  

Unlike them, He never changes or casts shifting shadows.

In His goodness He chose to make us His own children by giving us His true word.  And we , out of all creation, became His choice possession…”

James 1:17-18

In Jesus Name,

I pray,


Live in Love,


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