Love Is Kind… #Arise

sunshine vibesBe good to one another …

Small stepping stones of kindness and sweet gestures of love can be the stepping stones of hope that over time strengthen our compassion and tear down our walls of distrust…

Reaching out can be hard, but living in selfishness or pride is harder :)

Live to understand what God’s love looks like in and around your circumstance…

Live to know how to apply God’s truths in every situation you find yourself in…

God is intricately involved in your comings and goings…

He is always after Your heart…

He is gentle… He is kind.

His purpose is to purify us… cleanse us from the things that keep us from hearing His still small voice..

He wants to soften us with His goodness.

Build us with His kindness.

God is Love…

Every day…

Every hour.

Oh How I praise the the beauty of His goodness, and the love of His heart…

Cleanse me Dear Jesus of all that hurts you ….

Draw me into Your loving arms and silence the noises that drown out the sweetness of Your truths.

In times of distress, how I pray Your scriptures of truth would flash through my mind and calm my fears…

I want my life to reflect the love that You are….

Thank You for choosing me, and giving me strength to lay down my walls…

I desire to be beautiful in Your eyes…

And a reflection of love to this weary world all around…

Thank You for Your sweet patience, and amazing hope.

How I pray for  your eyes of gentleness, and Your heart of peace…

I love you, Father, and I give you my day…

Way more of You, and way less of me…

Thank you for loving me…

I love You,

In Jesus Name,

I pray,


“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of Your love.”

Ephesians 4:3