Feeling A Little Cray?… #Arise :)

cute but psychoThat feeling when you let every thought in at once, you find yourself distracted… distant, and a little psycho :/

Nothing good ever happens from that! hahaha

“When I said, “My foot is slipping.” your unfailing love, Lord. supported me. When anxiety filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.”

Psalm 94:19

Living surrounded and comforted under God’s wing requires moments… maybe even lots of moments… of surrender…

When that familiar tug of anxiety, or compulsion begins to sap your energy, and flood your mind with thoughts… so many thoughts!  Hahaha….  Surrender is always a good idea.

In those moments, it’s important to stop what you are doing and recognize something is off.

A prayer of surrender will take the focus off of your emotions,  and put your peace right back in God’s hands where it belongs :)


Good morning.

I am running into your presence this new day with great  abandon.  I can’t do this alone…

My foot is slipping. I find myself trying to control things, in my mind, that I’m not supposed to.

Overthinking, worrying, controlling!  ugggg!!  and over correcting is never from YOU… and I thank You for leading me into Your presence of truth!

“This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Psalm 118:24

Thank You Jesus for today…I am thankful for the love you bleed into me… for the people who love me, and this life you chose for me…

Thank you for reminding me that nothing …. NOTHING!  will be perfect until the day we meet you in heaven…  Then it will be all  beautiful… all amazing and all perfect :)

That is a freeing thought!

Today. I will do the best I can right where I am :)

I will love unconditionally.

I will not worry or judge others.

I will let go of the things in my mind that aren’t even real…

I will find my peace… my gladness and my joy in You :)

Use me today, Oh Lord, to love on and live on!

May grace go before me, and love all around me.

Your ways give life..

You give me freedom, hope and so much light!

Today is a good day to trust all that You are.

And today… is really all that we have :)

Thank You for teaching me to keep my eyes securely placed in yours…

You are life!

I love You,

In Jesus Name,

I pray,


Live in Love,


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