Some days a heart check is necessary!
I need to stop. Breath. And bring my mind back to the present moment…
To the sounds, and smells, and beauty that is my life….
“I cried out, I”m slipping! and your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me.”
Psalm 94:18
It happens… Our minds are busy, our hearts overwhelmed, and bam!
My thoughts are spinning our of control! Not fun! lol
Living the life that is right here in front of me, that’s where my joy is…
That’s where God’s love and plan for our lives overflow :)
The world is spinning all around us.
But our calm, our truth, and our world is right in front of us…
Living in the present moment is completely necessary…
Some days you have to shake off the cobwebs, pick up your britches…… and remember …. your life is right in front of you :)
“When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer”
Psalm 94:19
How good is your love over my life, Dear God…
You know every weakness.. every strong hold, and you set me free.
You whisper… sometimes shout HOPE and GOODNESS all around me…
How great You are…
I give you my day, Dear Lord, may I stay close to your heart. Thank you for placing me right where I am…
Thank you for spreading your grace through my veins… May your goodness and mercies overflow through my lips.
May Your love always be my foundation to which I serve others, and cleave to You…
I love You,
In Jesus Name,
I pray,
Live in Love,