Time Slips Away… #Hopeoverflowing

Time slips away… days pass.

Today.  Take some time to breath the fresh air, and feel the warmth of the sunshine on your shoulders…

Let life be…

Sometimes our hearts get consumed over details that we think are supposed to be…


We are not living in the present.  We are fighting God’s love, and maybe squandering our moments…

I want to live where I am…  In the tiny moments of now.

“Look here, you who say, ” Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year.  We will do business there and make a profit.  How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow?

Your life is like the morning fog — it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.”

James 4:14

Tomorrow is not promised…

Our peace and truth are in God’s love…

God’s love is in the moments of now…

Looking in the eyes of Jesus and believing that our lives are in His hands…

Nothing is not seen by him, and nothing is lost when we believe His plan is unfolding in the moments of now.

Let your soul be touched by God’s kindness…

Love those your with.

Seek goodness.

Forgive quickly…

Let hope grow to full bloom…

God is working in; and for you… right where you are :)

Live in Love,
