People will hurt our hearts..
But we don’t have to let them…
It’s so important to keep our hearts light..
And leave a lot of room for love to win…
“Love keeps no record of wrongs…”
1 Corinthians 4:5b
What beautiful words… and such freedom to my heart…
Love keeps no record of wrongs….
Letting things go quickly is the key to trusting God and keeping your eyes on the love he pours into your heart….
People will always disappoint, or hurt, or not be as nice as we would want them to be…
It’s just life…
We have to trust God’s freedom over our lives, and we do that by trusting His word of truth…
“Love keeps no record of wrongs…”
WE are people, and we are going to mess up..
We, as Christ Followers, are all on the same team…
Let’s believe the best in each other, and let love cover our wrongs…
Lavishing God’s goodness and grace over those we love, is the best defense over a bitter seed that so easily takes root…
Choose LOVE…
Live in Love,