Cling to What is good..


This world can be so very harsh… everyone battling for position, but deep down inside we just want to matter, to be loved, or maybe to love without fear of being hurt or rejected…

“..Cling to what is good..” Romans 12:9b

Dear Heavenly Father,  You are  good. Your love is unconditional. You breathe hope, beauty and kindness into our hearts and thoughts, and for that, we say, thank you :)  Help us to cling to you no matter what is going on around us.  That we would be a reflection of your goodness to those, like us, who want to know you more… Help us to love without fear, and morning by morning, day by day, may we be drawn into your presence seeking your beauty and grace.

In Jesus Name,


Thankful for His touch,


Live In Love :)

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