Finding Peace…

fill your heart with peace“Better is one day in His courts than thousands elsewhere..”

Psalm 84:10

Good Morning, Dear Heavenly Father…  how amazing it is to picture Your courts… I love that thought.

Father, help me to crave Your presence.

Filling me with the desire to surrender my life and hope into Your arms; into your care.   For Your beauty and goodness is where I find my peace, value and contentment..

Praying your gentleness, peace and goodness running through my heart and lips…

That others will be touched by your goodness and beauty is my heart’s desire…

I love You Jesus,

In Your Name I pray,


“My heart is confident in You, O God; no wonder I can sing your praises..”

Psalm 57:7

“…May your glory shine over all the earth..:”

Psalm 57:5

Live in Love
