Under His Wing…

“I sing for joy in the shadow of your protecting wings.. I follow close behind you; your strong right hand holds me securely..”

under his wingPsalm 63:7-8

Good Morning, Heavenly Father…

How I thank You for Your goodness and mercy..

There is so much beauty in Your words of love and hope..

My heart so sings of  joy as I imagine myself hidden under the protection of Your majesty and strength.  Covered by Your wings, protected by Your love…

As I come before You this new day

I pray Your hand of grace guiding me.. Keeping my steps in sink with Yours.

How I pray you would soften my heart, that I will know that you are close… I feel your mercy washing over me, Oh Lord, and My heart is filled with hope and thankfulness..

I trust in You, Oh Lord, for I know You have my best interests written on Your heart..

Help me to rest in Your loving words..

“I think how much You have helped me; I sing for joy in the shadow of your protecting wings.. I follow close behind; Your strong right hand holds me securely..”

Psalm 63: 1-11

I love You,



“I have seen You in Your sanctuary and have gazed upon Your power and glory..”

Psalm 63:2

Today, may my heart shine bright of your amazing love..

and May others see Your beauty…

Live In Love,
