Three pretty powerful words…
Have. You. Heard.
How many times have you or I been at the end of these words, or maybe even the one saying them?
It’s just so easy. It’s usually never done with an agenda, or an angry heart… and it’s most likely never done to hurt someone…
But when I think about the repercussions it’s sad…
“What dainty morsels rumors are, but they sink deep into one’s heart…”
Proverbs 26:22
Rumors can destroy somebody’s heart and life for sure…
High School was the worst. With all of our insecurities and awkwardness, it was easy to jump on a band wagon about someone else…
But as an adult, I hope to be a better example to my children, and the people in my life; there has been times I have failed for sure, but if we keep our heart’s fixed on loving and protecting other’s, then together maybe we can help curb other’s from the pain of a rumor…
“Love always protects.”
1 Corinthians 13:7
Good Morning, Dear Heavenly Father… Rumors.. Uggg! Thank You so much for showing me a glimpse of the pain and hurt a rumor can cause.. that a rumor sinks deeply into one’s heart…
How I don’t want to be the one who causes anyone to feel that pain, and how I thank You for Your constant love keeping me in the light, and gently reminding me to live in love…
Today, if I am faced with a rumor.. please, Dear Lord, make me aware, and give me the love and kindness to know how to react… That would me awesome.
I love You, Jesus,
In Your name, I pray..
Live in Love,