Your life Matters… #renew

your life matters.. my life matters blogYour life matters…

My life matters…

How I love this beautiful verse from 2nd Corinthians…

“For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing…”

2 Corinthians 15

No matter how you are feeling.  What you are doing, or where our path is leading…

 We are leaving a sweet aroma of love; or a stinky aroma of death…

Pretty harsh?

I don’t mean to be…

This verse helps keep my heart open, and my mind focused on what is true…

Our lives matter…

The other day, I failed at this pretty miserably…

It’s hot in Arizona… Really hot!  Lol

I was helping my daughter get the littles out of the car, and just as I opened the back door to unbuckle my granddaughter’s car seat, a woman approached my side of the car  wanting to get into her car… standing uncomfortably close, holding a child, and looking through me…

“I’m sorry” I said…

She wasn’t budging, just staring.

Soo….as I stood there fumbling about..and  trying to rush, (I hate car seats by the way… there are buckles eveywere! hahaha)  I could feel her stare, and knew she wanted me to close the door so she could walk by…

This was terribly annoying!  LOL

I just wasn’t going to… It was hot.

Way too hot to close the car door even for a second.

My thoughts were conflicted, I knew she was hot too…

but she was annoying me by her stare!


Finally I got all the buckles unbuckled, (like 1,000 of them:))  and helped my granddaughter up and out…

closing the door to the car, and having to squish by this woman to get by…

I said,

“You’re welcome..Have a nice day..”

My daughter was like…

“Mom!  Now she’s going to do something to my car!!”


I’m not very proud of that moment, and I was even surprised at myself…

Just goes to show you how fast we can react if our hearts aren’t focused on leaving a sweet aroma no matter what ;)

Live in Love,
