Just Breathe… #goodness

just breathe“Seek peace and purpose it…”

1 Peter 3: 11b

When my heart fills anxious, and my thoughts seem never-ending, Your gentleness calms my soul…

Thank You Heavenly Father for Your whispers of love and sweetness…

My heart craves Your truth, Your love,  and Your kindness…

I turn my eyes to You, Father, knowing Your love is my defense…

I come before You this new day, sitting quietly at Your throne…

Letting Your goodness and mercy invade my heart, then my thoughts…. my soul is quieted by Your touch…

Only You can calm this storm that stirs within me…

How truly grateful I am for Your call in my life…

Keep me near, Oh Lord, that I would be aware of Your presence …

You only require my heart….

Today, I am seeking Your peace..

Today I am pursuing Your heart of goodness over me…

I love You,

In Jesus Name,

I pray,


Live in Love,
