Being A Mess Is Hard Work… ! #goodness

being a mess is exhastingQuite a few years ago, after a super hurtful time in my life…

 I felt something in my heart start to change…

I didn’t recognize the power it was starting to have over me…

My mind twisting and turning…  thinking, and thinking… and over thinking!

I just knew if I thought about it enough I could make sense of it… I could do better…  or be better.


Over thinking failures, conversations, other people’s broken hearts or situations… I could so easily tear myself down, and start a spiral of emotions that would paralyze my day!

My mind felt like a bully wanting to control every thought and motive.

So very crippling…

I had let the tender voice of God get buried so deeply, I could only hear myself…

 I had things to figure out!  OK!  I was busy!   Hahaha

What a huge bag of ugly I was digging through!

When You are a believer of Jesus Christ, who died on the cross of your sins…

Your life, your days, and your moments are surrendered into His hands…

There is no more fighting, struggling and tearing apart…

We are set free from these emotional mind games.

That was a cruel and sad time…

Living in my head.  Thinking others were against me… starving for God’s love and approval, and not even knowing that, that was what  I was doing.

I was just busy.  Very busy.  Destroying myself!


Along came a scripture…

I was… frustrated.. in agony, and I saw these words….

“Yet the Lord LONGS to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion.  For the Lord is a God of Justice.

Blessed are all who wait for Him”

Isaiah 30:18

The first word that jumped out to me was “LONGS”

He was longing to be gracious to me…

but in my business, and self destruction… I forgot who I was In Christ.

I just started crying…

There was His sweet tender voice…

And it hit me.

What am I doing to myself?

My God and my Savior …

My Redeemer and friend…

Never left me…

I didn’t think I deserved His quiet touch… so evidently I was beating myself up for Him!


I was doing an awesome job :)  haha

(Thank you! :)

Been there?

He LONGS to be gracious to YOU.

How happy am I to be able to tell YOU such a precious truth…

If you are reading this it’s obvious you have been seeking, searching and staying near to God’s word of love and hope…

You have been waiting on HIM…

And He says to your tired and weary heart…

“Blessed are all who wait for Him..”

Psalm 30:18b

Blessed are you, Dear Friend…

Get up. and get out of your head…

Live in the light of His tender words that He pours over Your moments…

He is the love of your life, and the author of your days…

“Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other. Faithfulness springs forth from the earth and righteousness looks down from Heaven.”

Psalm 85:10-11

You have a life to love,

Get busy :)

Live in Love,
