Right Where You Are… #Arise

I chose you“I chose you.

I wanted you.

I appointed you.

I set you where you are…”

John 15:16

Where you are… Here on this earth, may never make sense…

And that’s ok…

Maybe even as it should be :)

Our lives are not our own… We were chosen, wanted, and appointed…

He set us where we are…

What greater purpose can we even desire than being loved; and called to love others right where we are…

“If not you, then who?”

I have asked myself that question so many times…

If not me, then who would love those who God has set in my life ….

God calls us to His calm.

He has purpose for you in every single day…

You are enough right where you are…

Keep His beauty in the forefront of your thoughts…

People are hurting… Searching…

Maybe it’s your kindness that changes everything…

You just never know :)

Trust God’s hand, and keep loving your people with an undying love and abundant grace…

God is using your light…

So keep shinning bright :)

Live in Love,


“I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me, freeing me from all my fears.

Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces…”

Psalm 34: 4

Oh, how He loves You… :)


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