Fall on My Knees… #Arise


“There’s a peace I’ve come to know
Though my heart and flesh may fail
There’s an anchor for my soul
I can say “It is well”

Jesus has overcome
And the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won
He is risen from the dead

And I will rise when He calls my name
No more sorrow, no more pain
I will rise on eagles’ wings
Before my God fall on my knees
And rise
I will rise”

Muisc by Chris Tomlin :)

Praying over your Sunday friends 💛

Live in Love,



Happy National Pumkin Day …

img_7127Happy National pumpkin  day!
I Found this sweet poem to celebrate the occasion :)
“Pumpkin pumpkin big and round. I’m glad you grow upon the ground. I’m glad you don’t grow on a tree for you might fall on me ”

Live in Love,



Lead Me On…Take my Hand… #Arise

feed-your-soulKeep shinning…

Keep singing sweet songs of love and victory.

“For the Lord your God is living among you.

He is a mighty savior.

He will take delight in you with gladness.

With His love, He will calm all your fears.

He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

Zephaniah 3:17

I’m not going to lie… When I opened my Bible to this scripture this morning,  I cried… I cried hard!  Lol

Sometimes my soul cries out for me, and I’m not even sure what’s on my mind….

Today, was one of those days.

Thank You,

Heavenly Father, for knowing our needs and meeting our heart,s right where we are.

Your love is our  heart’s peace, and my soul’s food…

Today, I chose to rejoice in Your goodness that flows so freely…

I am so thankful to have YOU, my mighty savior, my Father, and my King who chose me from the pit of despair…

I can’t believe for a minute how gracious Your love is… You even sing songs of gladness and rejoice over me….


How comforting and amazing is our God!

I love You, Jesus…

You are my hiding place, and my great protector…

I give you my day… my heart and my hand…

Lead me on, and hold me near… :)

In Jesus Name,

I pray,


Live in Love,





Fly High… #Arise


Some days a heart check is necessary!

I need to stop.  Breath.   And bring my mind back to the present moment…

To the sounds, and smells, and beauty that is my life….

“I cried out, I”m slipping! and your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me.”

Psalm 94:18

It happens… Our minds are busy, our hearts overwhelmed, and bam!

My thoughts are spinning our of control!   Not fun!  lol

Living the life that is right here in front of me, that’s where my  joy is…

That’s where God’s love and plan for our lives overflow :)

The world  is spinning all around us.

But our calm, our truth, and our world is right in front of us…

Living in the present moment is completely necessary…

Some days you have to shake off the cobwebs, pick up your britches…… and remember …. your life is right in front of you :)

“When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer”

Psalm 94:19

How good is your love over my life, Dear God…

You know every weakness.. every strong hold, and you set me free.

You whisper… sometimes shout HOPE and GOODNESS all around me…

How great You are…

I give you my day, Dear Lord, may I stay close to your heart.  Thank you for placing me right where I am…

Thank you for spreading your grace through my veins… May your goodness and mercies overflow through my lips.

May Your love always be my foundation to which I serve others, and cleave to You…

I love You,

In Jesus Name,

I pray,


Live in Love,


He is Forever Faithful…


Trust is deep… it’s where our faith becomes raw… real and pure …

Trust lets me let go, and truly live …

Dear God, help me to trust your heart over my days.. You are my hope and all of my peace  and I love You!
“The LORD is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation.”

Psalm 145:9


Live in Love,


Sing It Loud… #Arise

shes-crazyCome on in!  Hahaha

I can seriously have 5 conversations with myself at one time!

Me:  I’m up.  Let’s get this started.

Me: I think I’ll stretch out for a minute, and over think EVERYTHING that was said last week.

Me:  I feel good.

Me:  Hey.  Everything seems quiet in my head… I must be forgetting to worry about something…

Me:  I need coffee.

Me:  I am going to come home this afternoon, and organize my whole entire closet.

Me:  I just can’t get up today :)

……………………………..And I haven’t even gotten out of bed :)  Hahahah

I say all this…  to say this….

Know your exact crazy…

And know when it’s coming on :)

First things first…

“May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give

you grace and peace…”

2 Thessalonians 1:2

Sooo much grace…

Sooo much peace….

Waking up to God’s still quiet voice calms the crazy within…

Let His grace wash over you, and drink His love in.

His is the first voice your heart nedds to hear…

His voice fills your soul with peace that transcends all understanding…

Have a go to scripture memorized in your heart and mind, and the minute you wake up, sing it back to God…… and sing it again and again …

Let Him fill your soul, calm your fear, and set you apart…

He is your heart’s desire, and the calm within.

He knows your heart…

He has already given you a scripture that sings to your soul…

So sing it loud, and let God guide your day.

And if you haven’t found that one scripture that covers your mind with peace…

I pray, today, you will take the time to seek it…

May you know God is whispering love to your soul…

He is Your biggest fan :)

Live in Love,




While There’s Still Time… #Arise


we-should-be-kind“Brothers and sisters we urge you to warn others who are lazy.

Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak.

Be patient with everyone.

See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to

everyone else.”

1 Thessalonians 5-15

Freedom and light come when we build each other up…

When we listen to someone’s heart, and encourage their dreams…

When we let our words be few, and let the of God shine..

When we forgive quickly, and keep our thoughts non judgmental, shaky moments pass and love shines through :)

I think that’s why Jesus tells us to treat people as we want to be treated… (Luke 6:31)

We pray for others to see the good in us, to fight for us, and to be there for us when our walls come crashing down..

When we let kindness fill our being, it will always come splashing through like a glistening wave on a awesome summer day…

Let’s be kind while there is still time, is a perfect motto for today… and every day!

Live in Love,




You Are making A Difference Right Where You Are… #Arise


be-the-reason” For I the Lord, your God, have rescued you from the land of Egypt.

Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it with good things.”

Psalm 81: 10

He rescued You.

He sought you out… He called you by name…

He saw your tired and bleeding heart, and He chose you.

Let Him fill your mind… your spirit… and your day with good and sweet things…

Let Him hold your hand, that you may slow down, and enjoy every little act of kindness He gently blows your way…

He is all the good you see… all the good you feel.

Let that be enough to fill your senses and calm your mind.

Love your people….

Love your world.

Make a difference right where you are….

Dear Lord,

How beautiful…. How calming it is to know that you fill me with every good thing…

This morning, I chose to open my heart wide and let your love in…

Thank You for never…  EVER…. holding  back your loving kindness…

Your love is fuel for my soul, and I am humbled to be seen … to be known by YOU….

May my heart be at peace knowing you wont forget me… leave me, or walk away from me…

May by mind be filled with hope, and strengthen with courage….

You are my rock… and I am forever holding on!

I love You…

Help me to make a difference in someones day day :)

Thank You, Jesus…

In Your name name,

I pray,


Live in Love,



See The Good… #Arise


see-the-goodHow I pray my heart to see the good.

Seeing the good in another, whispers love… shines grace, and bleeds hope.

Seeing the good in another, can change their day, their heart, and even their life….

Goodness creates a wave of hope…

How truly thankful I am for those who have chosen to see the good in me, especially, when I couldn’t see it myself.

Dear Heavenly Father,

May my days be filled with the goodness of your love..

Shinning the light of your grace over another is always Your heart’s desire…

Lighting another’s load with hope… laughter, and the beauty of your love, is my heart’s desire…

Thank you for forgiving me when I fail…

Thank You for encouraging me to keep shinning… All for your glory… That other’s may know Your heart of goodness, and the overflow of your grace.

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”

John 10:10

I love You,


In Your Name,

I pray,


Live in Love,
