“Jesus replied, “You don’t understand now
what I am doing, but someday you will.”
John 13:7
We don’t have to have it all figured out to live happy.
It’s a state of mind to dig in and live. To live love right where you are.
Jesus told us we wont understand now what he is doing. It’s pretty clear that there is a bigger picture than our hearts can even imagine.
When we let the words of the Bible penetrate our life, we will live in constant hope of all that is good.
I believe everything we are going through has love at the core.
Jesus is love.
So today, maybe let some layers of worry fall away.
Look at your little world with twinkle in your eye, and know that God is working in and through your life so that you will know him deeper. Love him harder. And trust him undisputedly.
Trust is essential to freedom…
I am praying a miracle in your heart… that trusting God will let your heart soar, and your love roar… that freedom will flow thorough your veins, and hope will fill you with joy..
“In the beginning the word already existed. He was with God and He was God.
He was in the beginning with God. He created everything there is.
Nothing exists that he didn’t make.
Life itself was in him, and this life gives light to everyone. The light shines through the darkness, and darkness ca never extinguish it.’
John 1:1-28
Live in Love,