Be encouraged!
These words can be such a treasure, if we can take a minute to let the words penetrate our thoughts, I know our hearts will find comfort, and our minds will find rest.
“Let God have you, and let God love you… don’t be surprised if your heart begins to hear music you’ve never heard, and your feet learn to dance as never before…”
Dear Heavenly Father,
How I thank you for constantly reaching out to me..
Help me to trust in you with all of my heart, as I surrender my thoughts, anxiety, fears and decisions over to you. Will you please quiet my mind, help me to stop the reasoning, running, and overwhelming feeling to react, and in place of my thoughts, will you pierce my heart with your peace that transcends all understanding…. I need your calming presence, thank you, Heavenly Father..
In Jesus Name,
May you breathe in His stillness, and rest in His care…
Live in Love
“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight..”
Proverbs 3-6