Have You Ever Been Called Out? In His Eyes.. (Day 6)

he has made everything beautiful in its time” …Trembling with fear, she told Him the whole truth..”

Mark 5: 33

Have you ever been called out?

Good Morning, Dear Friend!  Today we will be focusing on what it must have been like to be called out by Jesus.


                                           Nope!  Amazingly freeing!

No matter who we are, or what is going on, He will call us out…

And that is a blessing for sure!

Dear Heavenly Father, As I come before you today, please consume my heart and mind with your awesome presence… fill me with your love, hope and great wisdom. How I pray I will be changed… free to  walk out of the shadows, and into Your beautiful light..

I love You, In Jesus’ Name


“Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth..”

Mark 5: 33

In this huge crowd of people, Jesus knew He was touched… He wanted to know her. He wanted her to tell Him why His power was released, and He wants to know you too!  It  was at that moment when, like a lighting rod hitting an antenna,  In a moment’s flash,  I knew Jesus saw me! He knew the exact moment what I  reached out with my heart, and touched His clothing.. I was saved by His grace, and  I had already begun living a new life, yet He knew I was holding on to pain, fear, and regret.  He wanted me to trust Him with my whole truth..

All of me..

He knew my heart wasn’t completely set free, He knew I was still bleeding from a broken heart.  And through this sweet woman, He could speak the same truth into my life…


into your life…

I must have cried for an hour… letting down one wall at a time… confessing past failures, reliving things I didn’t want to ever relive, let alone remember!  It was exhausting, cleansing and so good to be able to be completely vulnerable.  Completely real..

For the first time in my whole life, I was able to be me… the real me!

Can You see that?  Have you been able to let your walls down?  Have you reached out to Jesus with your utmost fears, hopes, sadness or pain?

Falling at His feet, in fear and trembling she told Him the whole truth!  The whole truth.. That must have taken her some time, right?

No agenda. No requests.

She sought Him.  She didn’t know that He would answer her, let alone that He would heal her.

She needed Him, and He didn’t let her down.  The focus isn’t on the healing, it’s on the beautiful truth that God is near.  He stops when we cry out.  He listens’ to our cries.  He is the great I Am.  That is our comfort, hope and strength.  Not the outcome, but the presence of God.

As I am writing this, I am being reminded that that should be our posture.  Always seeking His presence.. No agenda. No pressure for God to answer our cries with a certain outcome… because there is no peace in wanting anything… Our peace is in Jesus, under His wing, resting in His presence.  Thank You, God, for reminding me of this… it is always needed.. always refreshing, and always my comfort!

I believe with all of my heart, every word of the Bible has importance.  The fact that the scripture says… “she told Him the whole story” gives me relief.  The whole story definitely took some time.. He let her finish.  He beckoned her to speak, and she did!

She cried out in the presence of a huge crowd, she must have been dying!!!   This shows me how much she needed Him, how much she trusted Him.

Do you trust Him?

Do you trust Him even if the outcome of your cry doesn’t turn out the way you want, or think it should be?

This is the very reason it is a blessing to be called out!  He isn’t wanting you to run away, and continue living your life without His full attention… He is beckoning you to tell Him your whole story, and then, sweet friend, trust His will and plan for your life.

No more controlling, No more pushing… Just living a life in His presence. One day at a time.

This is His will for our lives.

“One thing that I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek.. that I might dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. To gaze upon the beauty of  the Lord, and to seek Him in His temple..”

Psalm 27; 4-5

He knows you better than you know yourself.  He created your inmost being.. He wants to love and comfort you… He wants you to release your heart to His care…

Can you do that?  He has our back, not our agenda…

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for calling us out.. for taking the time to stop, listen and heal this sweet woman.  It is so amazing to be fully known and fully accepted just the way I am… in my heartache, desperation and fear… you have my heart in your hands, and I am learning to leave it there… trusting you with my life. With my hopes, dreams and joys… May your will be done.  Thank you for showing me how to be beautiful in Your eyes… completely vulnerable, and completely free to trust whatever Your will is for my heart and life..

What a beautiful picture…

We pray this in Jesus’ Name


Live in Love,

Lisa :)


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