The Beauty of It All…

flowersFlowers.. When in full bloom… How beautiful!

Someone once showed me a great example of what a Christian life should look like…As we were talking, she noticed a beautiful, in full bloom flower, as we walked over to admire it, she looked at me, and then at the flower; and said… You are this flower, it’s open, in full bloom,  transparent…. it’s not like any other flowers, and it’s beautiful.

I love that!

As I have thought about that statement over the years, the more I understand, the depths of what she was saying.  If we live our life in full bloom, daily being nourished by God’s love; we wont want, or need to get all tangled up in the roots;  in the depths of the dark soil.

The dark soil of gossip, judgment, and deception.. where thoughts start to close in, and your mind feels like it’s being taken over by your evil twin…

That is no way to live!

It is my prayer that I would stay away from the weeds… to stay above the ground, living a life in full bloom… that is where there is no confusion, plenty of fresh air;  and lots and lots of light.. The light of beauty, hope and goodness…

I pray we would bask in His light… Breathe in His beauty and grace.

That we would live to love, and when we feel that pull that draws us to the weeds, to the darkness of the soil, how I pray we would; stop.. do not dwell there. But instead, we would turn our  eyes toward heaven, toward God’s  beauty and amazing  grace, that I would shine of that beautiful flower, and not be touched by the soil…

“Whatever is Noble, Right, Pure, Lovely… think on these things…”

Phil 4:8

I love You, Heavenly Father, your beauty, hope and love encourage my heart to live in love.. to guard my thoughts, and to keep my face turned toward heaven.. Thank You for today.  Thank You for Your beauty; and Thank You for your grace…  I pray I would shine of these beautiful truths; and may other lives be touched… and hearts set free.  What a blessing it is to live above the weeds…

How I love You,

In Jesus Name,


“But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin..”

1 John 1:7

Live in Love,



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