A Higher Love… #love

a higher loveI have always  loved that song by Steve Winwood!

Whenever I hear it, I turn it up..

And soak in every word!!

Maybe it’s because  those 5 words; Give Me A Higher Love, speak  to a hidden place in my heart that craves love, protection and mercy…

A love not based on what I do or don’t do..

Just love..

A love that softens my heart, melts my fears, and draws me to my knees ..

A love that protects, shelters and cradles my heart..

A blind love that sees deep in my soul, and never lets go…

A love that I can deeply..  truly depend on.

“Your goodness is so great!

You have stored up great blessings for those who honor You..

You have done so much for those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world.

You hide them I the shelter of Your presence safe from those who conspire against them. 

You shelter them in Your presence far from accusing tongues…

Praise the Lord for He has shown me His unfailing love,  He has kept me safe when my city was under attack.  In sudden fear I cried out

“I have been cut off from the Lord”

But You heard my cry for mercy, and answered my call for help…”

Psalm 31 1-22

Oh, My Dear Heavenly Father, My Lord, and my Savior…

How I honor and praise Your Name

. You have cradled  my wandering heart and protected me from my fears…

Thank You for hiding me under Your wing, In Your presence and great shelter…

I stand in awe of who You truly are..

My God.  My Protector and shield…

Today I come before You, giving You my heart…

Thanking You for Your higher love that consumes my soul…

Oh, How I need You…

I give You my day, my hopes and my dreams…

Use my life to bring You praise…

In Jesus Name, I pray,


Live in Love,


The Lord watches over you – the Lord is your shade at your right hand..”

Psalm 121:  5

Ps.. I tried to attach the Youtube video of “A higher love”  but I couldn’t for some reason…

Look it up, and crank it up :)

Have a happy day!

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