Eyes That See… Ears that Hear… #encourageoneanother

a few nice words can help a person more than you thinkA few nice words can help a person a lot more than you think…

How true is that!

There have been so many times that someone’s nice words have changed the course of my day.

How I want to be sensitive to other’s hearts…

Oh, Lord, How great is Your love that You cast  over me.

So sensitive, So  calming and So true..

As I come before You, this beautiful new day, I am  so thankful for this place.. this place of quiet.. of  calm… full of Your Holy goodness…

 I lay down thoughts of myself, and ask You to replace them with thoughts of You…

Of Your purity and joy…

Please soften my heart with Your touch… Make me pliable…  open to love those who You bring into my day…

A few nice words… A loving touch, eyes that validate and have compassion…

That is my prayer for today…

In Jesus Name, I pray,


Live in Love,


“But the wisdom that comes from Heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive. full of mercy and good fruit,

impartial and sincere..

Peacemakers who sow I peace raise a harvest of righteousness..”

James 3:16

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