go be loveThere is so much peace in humbling myself to You, my Lord, and my King…

So much peace in surrendering my pride, and seeking Your heart.

 So much peace in trusting my weaknesses to be used for Your glory…

So much goodness in all that YOU are…

Your gentleness fills me with truth, and extinguishes all flames of

bitterness that try to ignite…

Your love activates hope…

Each day as I bow low before Your throne of Mercy, I am touched by Your

patience, and the consistency of Your grace…

You are My Great Healer, and lover of my soul…

Our  ruffled feathers, acts of selfishness and foolish desires,  are no

surprise to You…

You chose to rescue us…

You choose to Stand by me…

Your great love swells within me, and bursts forth in tears from my eyes…

Your love and tenderness calm my fears…

What a beautiful love…

What a beautiful God…

Your love never fails..

Never gives up…

Your love never runs out on me..

With arms raised high, I praise You..

With all of my heart, I love You…

In Jesus Name,

I pray,


Live in Love,


Now, lets be love… The world needs us!  :)

“God sets Himself up against the proud, but He shows favor to the humble..”

James 4:1-17

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