The simplicity and beauty of these words still my heart…
Judging others, anger, and dissension will always cloud your thoughts, make you live in your head, and isolate your soul…
If you want to live happy… in the moments of today, you have to push your thoughts into the light of love, and never stop!
Moment by moment, day by day, your thoughts are shaping your life… your world, and your legacy.
Choose to not let negativity touch your soul.
NO MORE looking back, no more OVERTHINKING…
Do not let the trap of living in your head control your days!
Your Heavenly Father has set your heart free…
From the moment He made you His the war was won…
” From my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me, but they have never been able to finish me off.
My back is covered with cuts, as if a farmer had plowed-long furrows.
But the Lord is good:
He has cut the cords used by the ungodly to bind me.”
Psalm 129:2-4
How precious is our God…
He has seen every hurt, every pain… every stone tossed by the enemy…
And when the time was right He drew you to Himself…
He said “Enough!”
“….Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. “
Isaiah 43:1
“This is my child…”
“I have called you by name;
Isaiah 43:2
And it was so… :)
The cords that kept you in your head…
The cords of hurt…
They have been cut.
Let them go, dear friend…
Let them go!
Choose minute by minute to judge nothing..
To forgive everything…
And to love upon love upon love…
Life is a journey…
You are learning…
You are growing…
And now … with God’s protection…
You are living :)
Live in Love,