He Hears the cries of your heart… #hopeoverflowing

“When I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me

the strength I need…”

Psalm 138:3

More understanding… More love… More compassion.

Lord, My God, you hear the cries of my heart and the whispers of my soul…

With the strength of your mighty right hand you hold and comfort me… With your very breath, you  soothe me…

With the power of your truth, you encourage and mold me…

With generous compassion; you release all of my fears.  You fill me with hope, no words can explain.

May I continually live surrounded in your peace, and filled with your love…

May kindness be on my lips, and compassion flow through my veins…

You, Oh Lord, saved me, cleansed me…

Your grace changed me, Oh Lord, Your light of love lights my journey and gives me the strength to keep going.

I choose You.  Every moment.  Every day…

I choose the beauty of your love, and the light of heaven…

Thank you for your caring  heart, your absolute attention, and your great victory over darkness and pain…

You are my shield and my protector… my refuge and my safety…

How beautiful is your Name…

Jesus… my redeemer and my friend…

I love you,

In Jesus Name,

I pray,


Live in Love,


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