“She had heard about Jesus, so she came up behind him through the crowd and touched the fringe of His robe. For she thought to herself,
If I could just touch His clothing, I will be healed…. The frightened woman, came and fell at His feet and told Him what she had done…And He said to her,
Daughter, your faith has healed you, go in peace..”
Mark 5: 27-34
Is there something in your life that keeps tugging at your heart…?
When I read these words the first thing that strikes me is “She came up behind Him..” I can so completely relate to that! Oh, Dear Friend, when something we have done, said, or contrived is tugging at our heart-strings how I pray we would have the courage to go to Him immediately…even if we quietly go behind him, reach out and say… “Forgive me…”
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this sweet womans courage to reach out… How I pray we too would be drawn to wanting your healing in our lives, and hearts. Especially when we have just done something that, we know, has hurt someone else or even ourselves… May your loving kindness cleanse our thoughts and rule our hearts :) Give us the courage and strength to be kind, and the desire to want to be beautiful in Your eyes…
Thanking you for your amazing examples of love.
In Jesus name,
Live In Love :)