I Believe…! #shineon


good things are going to happenI believe in Your power.

I believe in Your might…

I believe You are using our lives to shine Your sweet light…

“If you believe, You will receive whatever you ask for in prayer…”

Matthew 20:22

I believe In Your goodness…

I believe in Your grace…

Thank You for seeing in me what I cannot see for myself…

Thank You for never giving up on me…

May Your will be done in my life…and may my life be a sweet aroma unto thy…

I pray this in Jesus Name,


Live in Love,


How Big Is Your Brave…? #thebestmeicanbe


show me how big your brave isRepeat  after me…

I am brave.

I am strong…

Not because of who I am, but because of who You are…

I will Walk in faith…

One step at a time…

Putting my thoughts of darkness and fear behind.

Showing You, Oh, Lord, how big my brave is…

Choosing to live.

Choosing to love…

Not letting the confusion and chaos of letting my thoughts go all crazy…spinning and turning out of control…

Stopping my mind…

I will take captive every thought that turns to dark… I will  let Your love in…

I will stand on the truth..

Live in the light…

And be my best me…

‘For we are God’s workmanship created in Christ to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do..”

Ephesians 2:10

I want to love others, and  do sweet and awesome things…

I want to be the best me I can be…

I love You, Father,

In Jesus Name,


Live in Love,


I want to live brave :)

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity , but a spirit of power, love, and self discipline…

1 Timothy: 7

My God. My King. My Everything… #thebestmeicanbe

with all of my heart“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 

I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

Psalm 91:1-2

Looking at You, Father, In unfamiliar territory..

My eyes want to wander in fear…

My heart whispers…

He is near…

Oh, Lord, with all of my heart, I trust in who You are…

I will not rely on myself..

My hope, heart, and security is in Your Name…

Holy is the Lord, God Almighty…

Walking in gladness

Walking in joy…

Thankful for Your love…

I give You my day…

May I walk secure in who You are…laughing, loving and living..

resting my heart in the shadow of Your wings…

You are my God…

My King..

My Everything…

In Jesus Name,

I pray,


Live in Love,


She’s Not Afraid… #thebestmeicanbe


shes not afraidSeasons change…

Opening our hearts, and our minds to new feelings and new emotions can be scary…

God wants us to know His presence… To know He is all about taking care of our hearts…

“The Lord is my Shepard; I have everything I need…”

To understand His love…

“He lets me rest in green pastures…”

His grace…

“He leads me beside peaceful streams..”

And His freedom.

“He renews my strength…”

God wants to saturate our lives with all that He is…

“He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His name..”

Standing on unfamiliar ground can be exciting or terrifying.. Trust Him.  Let Him have His way in your heart…

“Even through I walk through the valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.  Your rod and Your staff protect and comfort me… You prepare a feast for me in front of my enemies.  You welcome me as a guest, anointing my head with oil.  My cup overflows with blessings…”

Father,  how I thank You for such a time as this…

How beautiful is Your love and tender mercies.. May the words of Your loving kindness soak deep in my soul…

May I live a life that pleases You…

That others may grasp a glimpse of who You want to be to them…

“Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever..”

Psalm 23:1-6

I pray this In Jesus name,


Live in Love,


You Make Beautiful Things Out Of Us… #thebestmeicanbe

you make beautiful things out of us“…Therefore, anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven…”

Matthew 18:3-4

God, You so love a tender and humble heart…

That makes me sooooo happy :)

Dear Heavenly Father,

The beauty in Your words moves me beyond understanding…

To be gentle.


Kind and good.

Not having to fight to be heard. or to be right.

Your love prevails…

Help us to stay patient under Your wing…

Help us to stay strong.  Believing, and knowing our gentle and tender hearts speak volumes in this noisy and busy world…

Help me, Oh Lord, to keep my focus on all that is good…

All that is right…

And all that is true…

 YOU are all of those beautiful things…

Help  me to keep my eyes on YOU…

Your love changes everything…

In Jesus Name,


Live in Love,


Your Beautiful Self… #thebestmeicanbe

just be your beautiful selfSeek God’s heart…

He adores you.

Let His words inspire goodness…

He cares deeply for you.

Don’t look for ways to beat yourself down…

He has come to lift you up.

Let Him whisper words of love , grace and strength to your weary heart…

“The thief comes only  to kill, steal and destroy;  I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

John 10:10

Why You chose me will forever humble me…

Oh Dear Heavenly Father….

Words of thanksgiving and praise don’t seem to cover the depths of gratitude I feel for the love You so freely pour into my heart.

You have come to give me a life full of love… hope… and  great  mercy…

Thank You for setting my heart free from condemnation and fear…

Today I will bask in that awesome goodness!

I love You, Heavenly Father,

In Jesus Name, I pray..



Love > Fear… #thebestmeicanbe #love

love blog“There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear,

because fear has to do with punishment.

The one who fears, is not made perfect in love.”


Oh Lord, how good is Your love…

Thank You for driving away all of our fears..

Fear of not being good.  Fear of my  failures..

Fear of punishment… Fear of regrets.

There are always so many lies that want to tear at our hearts; and destroy our peace…

But there You are!

Perfect Love

You stand in the gap and drive out all fear.

Your love covers and dispels each lie that wants to invade our hearts…

Your love replaces fear…

That is so awesome!

How good and precious is Your Name…

I love You Heavenly Father,

In Jesus Name, I pray,


Live in Love,


The Struggle Is Real… #thebestmeicanbe

you are so loved1“If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Romans 8:31




God is for You.

Letting go of all my weary thoughts…

Putting my eyes and focus on God’s truths and good purposes…

Life is short.  Live for Him…

Dear Heavenly Father,  How humbling and good to be refreshed by Your goodness and strength…

You are for me.

You have filled my heart with  love and my spirit with courage.

Help me to keep pushing forward…

Letting my yesterdays go and living to please and glorify You today.

It’s good to be a daughter of the King most High!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. 

For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son that He might be the firstborn among many brothers. 

And  those He predestined, He also called; those He called He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified.

What then shall we say in response to this?  If God is for us, who can be against us?

Romans 8:28-31

I trust in You…

In Jesus Holy Name,


Live in Love,


Choose Happy… #thebestmeicanbe

choose happy“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.

So stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery…”

Galatians 5:1


It is for freedom’s sake  that Christ has set us free…

It’s so super easy to get caught up in old routines of backward thinking…

Yesterday is gone…

Over thinking, digging up wrongs, or sadness is giving ourselves over to slavery..

It is burden too much to bear!

Our gracious and loving Father knew that…

He has lavished us with freedom…

With hope…

So let’s stand firm…

Live in the light of all that is good…

Let yesterday go…

Stop over thinking…

Stop digging up sad stuff…

Today is a new day!

Rejoice and be glad in it :)

Dear Heavenly Father, I so love You!  I come before You this new day so so thankful for the freedom You have infused in my heart…

I want to live in the new moments of today…

I want to seek You…

Do not let me be burdened  AGAIN by the yoke of slavery.

Help me to be aware of what that looks like in my life…

I want to choose happy..

I want to stand firm…

I want to stand in the light of Your awesome love!

I give You my heart…

Thank You for washing me clean…

Help me to live fearless :)

I love You,

In Jesus Name,


Live in Love,


Hate Is Too Great A Burden To Bear… #love

stick with loveHappy Martin Luther King Day!

Thanking God for Martin Luther King today.

His heart of mercy, love and kindness so touches a place in my heart…

“Love must be sincere.  Hate what is evil; cling to what is good…”

Romans 12:9

Dear Heavenly Father, How truly great You are…

Thank You for those who inspire goodness…love… and hope into our lives…

May we seek to be people who look for  good…

How I pray to use my  live, and our words to draw others together and not tear each other apart…

Help us to fight the tendency to complain, argue and judge, but instead draw us near to You, Oh Lord, soften our weary hearts; and help us to fight for all that is good…

Help me to live… to shine of Your love… hope and understanding…

In Jesus Name, I pray,


Live in Love,
