He is Our Strong Tower…


strongtower 2Are you feeling burdened?  Sometimes, when I am struggling, and can’t put my finger on exactly why my thoughts are running away from me, I realize, I am running away from something…  there may be a decision I need to make, a phone call lingering over my head,  something from the past that is bringing up feelings of sadness or regret, or maybe a feeling of fear covered up by anxiety..


If you are feeling, or have felt like this, the one thing I have learned is this..

That is the exact moment to turn our thoughts over to our Heavenly Father who loves and understands us more than words can even express..

We are made from His cloth, and He smiles over us with gladness when we turn to Him with what we are really feeling.  He is our strong tower, and  our refuge…(Psalm 31) Let us run to him, let the walls fall down, and give him our heart!

“I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me, freeing me from all of my fears.  Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy, no shadow of shame will darken their faces…” Psalm 34:4-5

Praying over your day, Sweet Friend, that you will be freed of any fears or thoughts that  are burdening your heart,  and that you will be able to take a minute to be in His presence  letting Him  be your refuge… your strong tower! Psalm 31

Lord, thank you that I do not have to do life alone… that I can call on you, and you are my rock.  How amazed I am at your love and goodness to me… resting in your care, and praising your precious name…


Love to you, Sweet Friend,


Live In Love :)