In our Struggles, we Learn to be Real.. to see Your Love in A Different Light.

living on the edge

Ever feel like you’re living on the edge? Someone is going to say something, do something, want something, need something and that’s all it’s going to take… You’re going to blow!  Is your heart feeling so wound up that it doesn’t  take much… and the tears start flowing?

You are so not alone!

“He will not let your foot slip – He who watches over you will not slumber..”

Psalm 121: 3

Dear Heavenly Father,  Thank you that you already know our hearts, thoughts, and struggles, that when we come to you in prayer,  You are happy  to hear from us… to come along side of us and ease the feelings of frustration, anger, fear or sadness..You are our Heavenly Father, and You love to sit with us… encourage us, guide us.. .You already know what’s going on, and the reasons deep in our hearts.  You are always  walking with us, and drawing us to You for that very reason… Help us to come into Your presence, at this very moment, and release what is going on.. Thank you that You will not let our foot slip… that we can back away from the ledge, and give our every thought to you.   Thank you that through our struggles we are able to see Your love in a different light, we are learning to be real with You, and trust You with our hearts…  and that is a blessing for sure!

Thank you that you will not let our foot slip, that you are watching over us, and you care about every little thing we are going through…

In Jesus’ Name,


Thank you that you are our Father in Heaven,



Live in Love :)