Childlike Faith… #renew

childlike faith blog jack“The Lord protects those of childlike faith…”

Psalm 116:6

Childlike faith.

So pure.

So trusting…

Please pray with me…

Dear Heavenly Father,

May my heart reflect a childlike faith, Oh Lord.

You have unconditionally lavished Your forgiveness, and grace…

You have drawn me into Your presence and whispered songs of hope…

By my prayerful whispers, I of accepted You into my life.  I asked You into my heart, and You have made me whole…

I have laid the life I made for myself.. messy and confused, at the robe covering Your feet…

Laying there I cried, Lord, if you are real, please come into my life…

I want to know You…

From the first moment I met You, childlike faith has surrounded my heart…

There has never been any doubt that without You I would have drowned…

May my heart stay soft.. fully covered by the grace of Your love…

May others see a reflection of You in my words and life…

Thank You for loving me.  Thank You for calling me…

Thank You for drawing Your people into Your presence and reminding us that we need only need to trust You…

Today.  Tomorrow, and forever…

We are Yours…

In Jesus Name,


“I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the darkness..”

John 12:46