Love Is On The Way… #love

love is on the wayBeing still In the Your Throne Room of Your love changes everything..

Changes my perception..

Changes my vision…

Changes my heart…

My thoughts…

Reminding me that You are for me…

You see me…

You know me, and You so deeply care about me!

Oh, Dear Lord, when I am tempted to bind myself up…

Ridicule and tear myself apart…

There You are…

Your presence overflowing, swirling around me like a windstorm full of warmth and comfort…

Reminding me that I am saved by Your grace, and bought by Your blood.

My days matter to You…

Your purpose for me prevails…

Nothing can separate me from You…


“…Praise the Lord, O my soul. and forget not all His benefits.. who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion..”

Psalm 103: 2-4

There is just not other place I’d rather be…then redeemed; covered, and crowed In Your tender arms of love and compassion…

As I sit here… soaking in the preciousness of this moment..

My heart is humbled, my thoughts are free…

Thank You, Dear Jesus, thank You for fighting for me!

Live in Love,
