Get Moving… #Arise

dont-be-upsettiKeeping your head above water means you have to keep moving forward.

Picture yourself swimming, its the best… gliding all around the water… all merman or mermaidish… :) …..

…..but if you stop for a second…


Down you go :/

Just like our thoughts, if we think about the same things over, and over,  and over again, keeping our mind in the same place, the next thing you know…


Drowning ! :/

But this time you’re  sinking  in pain or sorrow…fear… or anxiety.

It’s not ok to do this to yourself! :)

When you’re drowning in water, you have to move … swim, kick, paddle and get to air….

When your’e drowning in thoughts it’s much like that!

You have to turn your frown upside down :)

Start moving… paddleing, kicking, and calling out to God.

Start swimming forward by praising Him for the things that are good in your life…

Look for the goodness He has shown you in the past…for the goodness He is giving you right now… start to worship, and cultivate hope.  He want’s you to swim toward  Him.. depend on Him, and learn to trust Him alone… Not yourself :)

Move… Get busy… get outside, put on music, exercise, bake, cook, whatever it takes to get air… Let the beauty of God’s favor fill your lungs and your heart :)

You have to train yourself to swim… the same is true in over thinking…

We have to train ourselve’s  to not drown in thoughts…

That is never God!

God pushes us forward … Learning, loving, growing…

Living :)

Life is too short to always be going over what was…

You have work to do :)

Train yourself to swim and glide and move… pushing your thoughts to the otter corners of your mind and finally away!

“And now dear brothers and sisters, one final thing.

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.

Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”

Phillipians 4:8

Ask yourself…

What is true right now?  What is it that I a doing?  Am I drowning?

Is that good?  Or right?  Or pure? Or lovely?

Am I  being admirable?

The answer is Aw!    NOOOOO! LOL

Then stop… And fix your mind on what is excellent… And that Is God’s heart for You.

His love and hope… Peace and goodness…

He is worthy of your heart, and your praise…

So. Stop.  Do what is pure, and lovely and right and admirabe… and Love On Your God :)

Thank Him for saving you, and for carrying through the toughest of times.  He will not let Go… There is always purpose in the pain…

God Bless you fellow warrior!

Live in Love,
