Hope and Freedom are Everywhere… #Arise

buddy-the-elfThe sweetness of Christmas is all around … the glow of twinkly lights, the gripping crisp cold air… and music… music everywhere :)

May we let our hearts feel Your grace…

May hope, and freedom flow everywhere.

May we sing loudly… joyfully, for Your love came down, and changed me… cleansed me; and put our lives on solid ground.

May Your love shine oh so bright.

May our hearts not hold back the love we have found… just like Buddly the Elf, his love knew no bounds :)  hahaha

As Christmas day approaches, may our hearts be full of love and good cheer…

Cause  it’s all about You… And the beautiful… unconditional…Love… You delivered to this weary world… You delivered hope.  goodness, and love unconditional…

You delivered the most beautiful baby boy…   Jesus… You are my Christmas…

So many I love you’s coming your way….

I love You, Jesus…

In Your name I pray,


Live in Love,


“The word gave life to everything that was created, and His life brought light to everyone.”

John 1:4