Contagious Love…

contagious loveIt is good to take our focus off of ourselves, off of our problems and emotions and feelings..

Isn’t it?

It gives us breathing room, and perspective…

“Come, let us worship and bow down.  Let us kneel before the Lord our maker, for He is our God.  We are the people He watches over, the sheep under His care..”

Psalm 95:6-7

When I take my focus off of myself, and seek God’s presence, even for a minute…

 The meaning of life always makes so much more sense…

Kneeling before Him, or even just closing my eyes in prayer; gives God the opportunity to  turn my eyes toward heaven.  Toward His love for me.  Toward His love for others.

His love is deep.  It is personal.

And it is contagious…

Dear Heavenly Father, As I close my eyes and enter Your courts, how I praise, and thank You for Your shelter.  You are my maker, and the lover of my soul.  It gives my heart great warmth and joy that you watch over me; and that I am under Your care.  Your great love gives my life  purpose and meaning.

May my heart be light and my soul be at peace as I turn my day over to You..

May someone who needs Your light of hope, be drawn to You; that I would be able to love and encourage them just as you love and encourage me…

Your shelter is my peace…

I love You, Jesus

In Your Name I pray,


Live in Love,


“May the Lord be with your spirit.  Grace be with you all..”

2 Timothy 4:22


Living On A Prayer…

living on a prayerHow I thank You, Dear Lord, for your words of hope, strength and great comfort..

“I cried out, I’m slipping!” and your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me.  When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.”

Psalm 94:18

Have you ever felt like that?

 Are you just holding on for another day?

  Maybe it’s emotional.. your tired, overwhelmed, burdened..

Maybe it’s relational.  Physical or financial…

Whatever it is, God sees You.  He knows you.  And He so cares about You..

Will you hand it over to Him?…

I picture this situation like a small child who is holding the most amazing round spiral old school lolly pop.. She is so happily holding on to it, eating it… enjoying every lick.  But her tummy is sick, and she is all sticky and when you try to take it from her she just cries.. She wants to just hold on to it… It’s comforting to have..

Our troubles can be like that.  We are used to them.  We have become accustomed to holding them, looking at them… eating up all of the worry and thoughts that come with them…

But God reaches out His hand of grace to grab them away, and we may pull our’s back… Our tummies may be sick, we feel stuck  and tired from all of the worry we have been eating up…

“I lift my eyes to You, to You whose throne is in heaven.  As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid looks to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God, til He shows us His mercy..”

Psalm 123: 1-2

  God knows your heart.  He knows your burdens and your cries..

He knows your mind, heart, and body need rest..

Rest in Him..

Dear Heavenly Father, How great is Your love and compassion for me.. my foot is slipping, my body aching.. How I come before You this new day, praying and seeking these words of comfort and hope over my heart and my day… Will you give me the strength to see beyond myself and set my eyes on Your beauty and power.. I love You. I need You.  I am handing over all of my heartache and worry to You… Into your loving hands of beauty and grace…

Please, Dear God, guide my day.. direct my path and help me to love other’s as You are loving me.

In Jesus, Holy and loving Name,

I pray,


Live in Love,


“Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever..”

Psalm 23:6

Good Day Sunshine…

good day sunshine“Unfailing love and truth have met together. 

Righteousness and peace have kissed! 

Truth springs up from the earth, and righteousness smiles down from heaven..”

Psalm 85: 10-11

At first glance I just loved all of these words…

Righteousness.. Peace.. Kissed.. Smiles.. Heaven

So Sweet.. So beautiful…

As I started to mediate, and think about how each one of  these words were just kind of  blending  together, they weren’t really making too much sense to my mind…

Something started stirring in me…

My heart was being awakened as I saw  the beauty of Jesus piercing through…

“Unfailing love and truth…”

The love of my Heavenly Father.. completely unconditional.

Completely true…

“Righteousness and peace have kissed!”

His love is not based on my actions.  His love is based on His righteousness and goodness through Jesus blood…

“Truth springs up from the earth..”

Jesus in all of His humility and glory came to us… came to love and draw us into God’s goodness, mercy and grace…

“And righteousness smiles down from Heaven..”

And each time one of us looks to our Heavenly Father in humility and hope…

He smiles down from heaven..

Dear Heavenly Father, Good morning!  Thank You so so much for Your beauty and hope… As we come before You this new day, I am so happy to see Your beauty piercing our hearts with sweetness.. kindness and truth…

Words can hurt.. People will let us down.  Joy can be robbed..

How I thank you for your tenderness and compassion… May my heart be soft and full of Your light to those who are searching for goodness, hope and truth…

I love You Jesus with all of my heart…

In Jesus Name,


“This is a true saying and everyone should believe it:  Christ Jesus, came into the world to save sinners-and I was the worst of them all.  But that is why God had mercy on me, so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of His great patience with even the worst sinners.  Then others will realize that they, too, can believe in Him and receive eternal life…”

1 Timothy 15-17

Live in Love,


Words that Hurt…

words that hurtHave you ever felt as if your words were turned against you?

Have you thought.. ” Hey, that’s not what I meant..”

Or maybe you got so caught up in wanting to help someone; that you said or did something you wished you wouldn’t have…

You didn’t pray it through.

You loved big, but you let your boundaries down?

I have so felt the sting of that pain, and regret… But how beautiful is God.  He looks within our hearts and sees our motivation.

He is our healer, friend and judge…

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this brand new day.  Thank you that when you look within my heart, You see the good You have placed in me by the blood of Jesus, my savior…

Thank you that when others see bad, I have a great hope in You who sees the good, and You will always fight for me…

It my hearts desire to open wide my hands, and my heart; and give You my day.. That I would walk in peace and love other’s the best I can…

Only by Your grace.  Thank You that You see in me the beauty of Your heart… That truly makes me feel beautiful…

I love You…

In Jesus Holy Name,


“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Exodus 14:14

Still my heart, Oh Lord… I trust in Your great love alone…

Live in Love,


“For we speak as messengers who have been approved by God to be entrusted with the Good News. Our purpose is to please God, not people.. He is the one who examines the motives of our hearts.”

1 Thessalonians 2:4

Thank You, Heavenly Father…

Be Happy…

His voiceAs you go through your day it is a beautiful thing to remember this…

God’s voice will still you, lead you, reassure you, enlighten you. His voice encourages you, comforts you, and calms you; He will gently correct you…

His voice does not rush you, push you, frighten or confuse you.  His voice does not discourage you, worry you, obsess or condemn…

Dear Heavenly Father, coming before You this new day, I thank You for your reassurance of hope. When I am struggling to find my footing and wanting to beat myself down, how I pray I would be fully aware that Your voice is the still small voice drawing me into Your presence.. stilling my heart, and drawing me into the beauty of your love and light…

Thank You, Heavenly Father for your calming presence in my heart… Your reassurance that You are near, and Your voice that is  always drawing me into your great comfort.  Your voice opens my weary heart and replaces my thoughts with Your joy…

How I thank You for your goodness and love…

In Jesus Name,


I love You Jesus…

“The Lord watches over you, the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.  The Lord will keep you from all harm… He will watch over your life..”

Psalm 121: 5-7

Thank You, Heavenly Father…

Live in Love,


Songs of Deliverence….

songs of deliverenceGood Morning…

Sometimes, when I am struggling to settle my heart, and my spirit just can’t be still…

I may be overwhelmed by thoughts and worry, guilt or what will be.  It is at that moment, I need to check myself before I wreck myself… lol

“When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.  For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer.  Then I acknowledged my sin to You and did not cover up my iniquity I said, ” I will confess my transgressions to the Lord; and you forgave the guilt of my sin…”

Psalm 32: 3-5

Guilt is a funny thing.  It can creep  in and make itself comfortable wrecking havoc in my heart!

So, sweet friend, check yourself before you wreck yourself… If there is even an ounce of looking back and feeling guilt… read these words over and over and let God’s healing grace fill you to overflowing with the love He has for you.

“I will confess my transgressions to the Lord; and You forgave the guilt of my sin..”

Whatever is braking your heart, brakes His too…

Let His spirit cleanse and flow through your heart that You will find peace..

Good Morning, Dear Heavenly Father… Your peace that transcends all  understanding is such a treasure.  Your love is personal and I thank You for guiding me into Your presence that I might be healed from guilt, shame, fear and worry.  For I know that You are close to the brokenhearted and You are my, Abba, Father, who will never leave me, or forsake me.

Thank You that I will find my resting place in Your loving arms…

Help me to be the light to those who are struggling with these same feelings, Oh, Lord, I pray…

I love You Jesus…

In Your Name,

I pray,


Walk today in the freedom of knowing You are cleansed. Your spirit is set free..

 Be renewed and refreshed.

“You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance..”

Psalm 32:7

Refreshed by His Grace…

refreshed by his grace“Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God?”

These 13 words make my life so, so much clearer…

When faced with issues of the heart, God is our judge….

Not man..

When given the opportunity to love I pray I would love.  When given the opportunity to forgive I pray I would forgive.. When given the opportunity to see the good in others…

I pray I would see the good..

Father, I love you.  I so pray that when You look at me, You see a reflection of all that You have done for me flowing in my life and being poured lavishly out to the people You have drawn in my world..

No bitterness.  No judgment… lots of grace

May Your light shine bright in the darkness, that other’s would see Your heart of beauty through my life.  May they feel refreshed by Your goodness and grace. .because I choose to please You…

Forgive me, Jesus, when I fail.  Cleanse my heart, that I will know that You are near..

May you look at me and say…

” This is my daughter, and I am so proud of You…”

Thank You for this beautiful day, and thank you for all the new opportunities to love others…

In Jesus Name,


“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of Your mind..”

Romans 12:2

“May God give you peace, dear friends, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ..”

Ephesians 61:23

Live in Love,


People Matter…

people matterI was so reminded this morning, just how much kindness matters..

People matter.

My husband and I had an appointment this morning to get blood drawn.  But it turned out to be much more different than we thought.. I just got finished writing them a letter…

Here is my letter…

“Hi!  Good Morning.

My Name is Lisa…. @ approximately 6:30 this am we checked in today, Thursday, 9/26/13. My husband needed to have blood work drawn, so we choose this office. It’s  scary when you are worried about your health.

The two women working behind the counter were busy, and in an intimate conversation about their families and relatives and something about their bad relationships… There wasn’t a “Good Morning”  “Hi” nothing like that… just a very stern “Sign in”.

The girls didn’t even look up..   In my heart, I was thinking… this just feels bad.

It just kept getting worse as people were coming in the door.  “Sign here”.  “Give me your urine sample” .. ect.. Never a please or thank you or even a smile.

When she yelled for my husband, and told her to give her his paperwork, I walked over to the girl, behind the counter,  and gently mentioned to her that kindness matters… people matter, and we had a small conversation where other patients were nodding in agreement…I told her that please, and thank you go along way.  People matter.

An older gentleman, Alex, was hard of hearing so instead of maybe walking over to him, she just yelled louder at him.. embarrassed him.  It was sad.  He’s an older gentleman couldn’t he have been treated with respect.. My heart hurt for him.

Maybe she could have gone over to him and talked with him instead of yell from behind the counter… It’s an awful feeling sitting there waiting your turn, hoping they will not embarrass you too..

Please understand I am not trying to be mean, nor am I speaking from an angry heart.  Just a heart that says… kindness matters.  People matter.  And please and thank you go a super long way.

Life is hard.  Your lab could make it easier for people if people felt like they mattered…

Kindness changes things..

Thanks for listening..


Dear Heavenly Father, I love You.

As I come before You this morning, I want to pray for the two girls working behind the counter.. How I pray their hearts would be softened, and they would be encouraged that it’s okay to be nice.  To care about others… Whatever their struggles I pray for peace… and if they don’t know You love them, and have a plan for them, how I pray they would come to know You..

 I know that they were upset at me for calling them was hard for me too… I pray they saw love in my eyes, and goodness in my voice… My heart was just so heavy for the elderly patients  that were going to be “yelled” at next..

And, Dear Heavenly Father, please forgive me for the times I too have treated others with the same disrespect.

Love changes things…

May your hope be poured into our lives. .May we all be reminded that life is hard, and if we can ease someone else’s day with just a smile, or a please and thank you, we would generously do so..

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for this morning…

Thank you for the opportunity to love others, and shine of Your goodness.

I pray hearts would be changed..

I love You,

In Jesus Holy and Precious Name,


“Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words would be an encouragement to those who hear them..”

Ephesians 4:29b

Thank you God for your great forgiveness..

Live in Love,


Shinning Star..

shinning starLove changes things..

Your heart shines bright in this world full of anger; darkness and fear..

You are a shinning star..

People so need hope.  Goodness. Kindness…

“For You were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord, live as children of the light (for the fruit of the light consists of all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord and have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of the darkness..”

Ephesians 5:8

How beautiful it is, Heavenly Father, to know that I shine of Your love and goodness..

I so want to please You with all of my heart, that others would see Your beauty, goodness and grace..

Help to keep me away from the dark things that easily want to pull me into the shadows.. I pray you would fill me with the desire to stay in the light.. and when I can’t seem to help my own self.. How I pray your protection, mercy and grace pulling my heart and soul into Your waiting and loving arms…

Knowing and believing that darkness in the end only offers me sadness..

How I love the warmth of Your light.. It’s my heart’s desire…

I give You, Oh, Lord, this new day praying that I would make a difference in this world.  That people who are searching for love, hope and kindness would cross my path and I would be able to be used by You to love them…

Your love is the best…

In Jesus’ Name,


Under God’s direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love..”

Ephesians 4:16

Live a Life of Love,



Under His Wing…

“I sing for joy in the shadow of your protecting wings.. I follow close behind you; your strong right hand holds me securely..”

under his wingPsalm 63:7-8

Good Morning, Heavenly Father…

How I thank You for Your goodness and mercy..

There is so much beauty in Your words of love and hope..

My heart so sings of  joy as I imagine myself hidden under the protection of Your majesty and strength.  Covered by Your wings, protected by Your love…

As I come before You this new day

I pray Your hand of grace guiding me.. Keeping my steps in sink with Yours.

How I pray you would soften my heart, that I will know that you are close… I feel your mercy washing over me, Oh Lord, and My heart is filled with hope and thankfulness..

I trust in You, Oh Lord, for I know You have my best interests written on Your heart..

Help me to rest in Your loving words..

“I think how much You have helped me; I sing for joy in the shadow of your protecting wings.. I follow close behind; Your strong right hand holds me securely..”

Psalm 63: 1-11

I love You,



“I have seen You in Your sanctuary and have gazed upon Your power and glory..”

Psalm 63:2

Today, may my heart shine bright of your amazing love..

and May others see Your beauty…

Live In Love,
