Sing It Loud… #Arise

shes-crazyCome on in!  Hahaha

I can seriously have 5 conversations with myself at one time!

Me:  I’m up.  Let’s get this started.

Me: I think I’ll stretch out for a minute, and over think EVERYTHING that was said last week.

Me:  I feel good.

Me:  Hey.  Everything seems quiet in my head… I must be forgetting to worry about something…

Me:  I need coffee.

Me:  I am going to come home this afternoon, and organize my whole entire closet.

Me:  I just can’t get up today :)

……………………………..And I haven’t even gotten out of bed :)  Hahahah

I say all this…  to say this….

Know your exact crazy…

And know when it’s coming on :)

First things first…

“May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give

you grace and peace…”

2 Thessalonians 1:2

Sooo much grace…

Sooo much peace….

Waking up to God’s still quiet voice calms the crazy within…

Let His grace wash over you, and drink His love in.

His is the first voice your heart nedds to hear…

His voice fills your soul with peace that transcends all understanding…

Have a go to scripture memorized in your heart and mind, and the minute you wake up, sing it back to God…… and sing it again and again …

Let Him fill your soul, calm your fear, and set you apart…

He is your heart’s desire, and the calm within.

He knows your heart…

He has already given you a scripture that sings to your soul…

So sing it loud, and let God guide your day.

And if you haven’t found that one scripture that covers your mind with peace…

I pray, today, you will take the time to seek it…

May you know God is whispering love to your soul…

He is Your biggest fan :)

Live in Love,
